The popular TV-torrent site EZTV since 2005, has been serving torrents for nearly a decade. EZTV has maintained a steady user-base over the decade of existence and with millions of users it’s one of the most used TV-torrent site on the Internet.   It has been a consistent source of TV-torrents and has shifted to different domain extensions over the years like Pirate Bay. Today, however, the site has been pretty much unreachable showing only a CloudFlare error message The official message from Torrent Freak is: The EZTV team is aware of the issues and are working to resolve the downtime complications. Even with the outage there are new torrent releases coming out, and can be accessed through reverse proxies such as The EZTV distribution group also continues to post its torrents on KickassTorrents, The Pirate Bay and other sites.