Next time you’re out in the open, and its freezing, your smartphone battery may have drainedWhat can be done to fix the problem

These experts also claim that the colder the environment gets, the faster the smartphone batteries will continue to drain. So how exactly does this happen? Turns out that all smartphones feature lithium ion batteries and they increase their internal electrical resistance as the temperature drops. This reduces their overall capacity and makes them less efficient as opposed to cells that function in hotter climates. Most smartphones will start to use up power more quickly than usual as the temperature hovers around zero. Most mobile devices are so influenced by the cold that as soon as the external temperature drops below zero, their batteries are only able to last half the time they would at normal room temperature. It is not just the smartphone batteries that suffer, but other components ranging from the displays. LCD screens, can appear smudged, and pictures and text can leave faint impressions, which also known as ghosting.

What can be done to fix the problem

One expert states that in order to keep the smartphone from developing a ton of problems, these mobile devices should be kept in a rubberized case or inside your pockets. Additionally, they should only be used when you need to and not to engage in other activities, which would otherwise drain the battery even faster. For women who carry around smartphones inside their hand bags, it is advised that you purchase a high quality smartphone case for yourself, if you want to prevent any further problems from plaguing your device.