As the owner of а Discord server, you may want to restart the server for various reasons, such as changing the server’s name or icon, reorganizing channels, or starting fresh after a dispute among members. Read below, and we will explain how to restart a Discord server and provide some best practices to make the process go smoothly.

Requirements for restarting a Discord server

Before you start restarting your Discord server, it’s important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions and that you have backed up аny important information or channels. To restart a Discord server, you must be the owner or have permission granted by the owner. If you are not the owner, you will be unable to delete the server or create а new one. It’s also a good idea to back up any important information or channels before restarting the server. This could include important messages, files, or custom roles or channels you have created. You can do this by using the “Export Channel” feature in the channel’s settings or manually copying and pasting the information into а separate document. Once you have the necessary permissions and have backed up important information, you can restart the server.

Restarting a Discord server

To restart a Discord server, follow these steps: Once you delete a server, it cannot be recovered, so double-check that you want to delete it before confirming it.  Any channels, messages, and roles not backed up will be lost when the server is deleted.

Best practices for restarting a Discord server

Here are some best practices to follow when restarting a Discord server:


Restarting a Discord server involves deleting the old server and creating a new one. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that you have the necessary permissions аnd that you have backed up any important information before restarting the server.  By following the steps outlined in this article and following best practices, such as communicating the restart to members beforehand and customizing the new server’s name and icon, you can ensure that restarting your Discord server goes smoothly.

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