You may like to share а funny video with just a few close friends, or you have a video that you want to keep private for personal reasons. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to post a private video on TikTok. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to set your TikTok account to private, upload a private video, and share it with specific users. We’ll also offer some tips to help you keep your account and videos secure.

Setting your TikTok account to private.

Setting your TikTok account to private is the first step in sharing private videos on the platform. Here’s how to do it: It’s important to note that making your account private means only approved users can see your videos and interact with you on the platform. Of course, you can still see and interact with public accounts, but your content will be hidden from anyone who isn’t following you. Some tips for keeping your account private and secure:

Be selective about who you approve as followers. If you don’t know someone personally, declining their follow request is okay. Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account. Regularly review your followers and remove any that you don’t want to have access to your content.

Following these steps and tips, you can keep your TikTok account private аnd share videos with only the people you want to see.

Uploading a private video on TikTok

Now that your TikTok account is set to private, you can start uploading private videos. Here’s how to do it: Your video will now be marked as private and only visible to users you’ve approved as followers. If you decide later to make the video public, you can do sо by following the same steps and selecting “Make Public” instead. When deciding which videos to make private, here are a few things to consider:

Is the video personal or sensitive in any way? If so, keep it private. Do you only want to share the video with a specific group? If so, making it private allows you to control who can see it. Are you concerned about the video’s reception or potential backlash? Making it private can give you time to gauge the response from a smaller group before sharing it with a wider audience.

Following these steps and considering these factors, you can easily upload private videos on TikTok.

Sharing a private video with specific users

Sharing a private video with specific users on TikTok is easy and allows you to control who can see your content. Here’s how to do it: Your video will now be shared with the users that you selected. They can view the video by going to their “Inbox” in the TikTok app. Here are some tips for managing who can see your private videos:

Regularly review your list of approved followers and remove any that you don’t want to have access to your private content. If you share a private video with someone and later change your mind, you can revoke their access by going to the video and tapping on the three dots in the top right corner. Then select “Manage Shared Users” and remove the users you no longer want access to the video. Remember that even though a video is marked as private, it’s still possible for someone to screenshot or record the video and share it with others. Be mindful of this when deciding which videos to make private and only share content you are comfortable with others potentially seeing.


Posting а private video on TikTok is easy and allows you to control who can see your content. By setting your account to private, uploading a private video, and sharing it with specific users, you can share videos with only the people you want to see them. Remember to be mindful of your privacy settings and only share private videos with trusted users.

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