Find out how to set up your account to “private,” turning off push notifications, hiding your Last Active status, and disabling the Activity Status feature. Following these steps, you can enjoy much-needed time off from social media without worrying about your online presence.

Setting Your Account to “Private”

The first step in appearing offline on Instagram is to set your account to “private.” Only your approved followers can see your posts and activity on the app when your account is set to private. To change your account settings to “private,” follow these steps: By setting your account to “private,” you can ensure that only your approved followers can see your activity on Instagram, which can help you appear offline to the rest of the world. However, this only affects who can see your posts and activity – it will not completely hide the fact that you are using the app. To do that, you will need to follow the other steps outlined in this article.

Turning Off Push Notifications

One way to appear offline on Instagram is to turn off push notifications. Push notifications are alerts you receive on your phone or tablet when someone likes or comments on one of your posts or when you receive a direct message. When push notifications are turned on, it can appear like you are actively using the app, even if you are not. To turn off push notifications for Instagram, follow these steps: By turning off push notifications, you will no longer receive alerts when someone interacts with your posts or messages you on Instagram. This can help you appear offline to others, as they will not see any notifications indicating that you are using the app. You will still be able to see when you have new likes and comments when you open the app – you just won’t receive alerts about them in real time.

Hiding Your Last Active Status

Another way to appear offline on Instagram is to hide your “Last Active” status. The “Last Active” status on Instagram showed when you last used the app. If you don’t want others to know when you were last on Instagram, you can hide your Last Active status by following these steps: By hiding your Last Active status, others will no longer be able to see when you last used the app. This can help you appear offline on Instagram, as others will not know when you were last active on the app. Just keep in mind that this only affects your activity status – you will still be able to see the activity statuses of other users.

Disabling Activity Status

One way to appear offline on Instagram is to disable the “Activity Status” feature. The “Activity Status” feature on Instagram allows others to see when you are online. If you don’t want others to know when you are using the app, you can disable the Activity Status feature by following these steps: By disabling the Activity Status feature, others will no longer be able to see when you are online on Instagram. This can help you appear offline to others, as they will not know when you are actively using the app. Just keep in mind that this only affects your activity status – you will still be able to see the activity statuses of other users.


To sum it up, there are several steps you can take to appear offline on Instagram. These include setting your account to “private,” turning off push notifications, hiding your Last Active status, and disabling the Activity Status feature.  You can take a break from the app without letting your followers know or enjoy more privacy on the platform. These steps will not completely hide the fact that you are using the app – they will make it more difficult for others to see your activity.

How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 75How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 86How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 77How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 74How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 26How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 73How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 68How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 78How To Look Offline on Instagram  - 41