With the platform’s increasing popularity, the question of how many hashtags one can use on TikTok has become a topic of concern.  Explore the current maximum number of hashtags allowed on TikTok, the reasoning behind this limit, and best practices for using hashtags effectively within this limit.  So, if you’re a beginner оr an experienced TikTok user, this post will provide valuable insights and tips to help you make the most of hashtags on the platform.

Maximum Number of Hashtags on TikTok

One of the most important things to consider when using hashtags on TikTok is the maximum number of hashtags allowed.  The maximum number of hashtags used in a single post on TikTok is 30. Users can include up to 30 hashtags in their captions, video description, or comments. The reasoning behind this limit is to prevent users from spamming the platform with irrelevant hashtags and tо make it easier for users to find relevant content. By limiting the number of hashtags, TikTok can ensure that users can only use hashtags that are truly relevant to their content, making it easier for users to discover content that is of interest to them. There are a few tips to think about using hashtags effectively within this limit. Focus on using relevant hashtags that are specific to your niche. This will help to increase the visibility of your content to users who are interested in that niche. Use a mix of popular and less popular hashtags.  Finally, use custom hashtags that are specific to your brand or content. This will help increase your content’s visibility to users looking for content related to your brand or content.

Best Practices for Hashtagging on TikTok

You can ensure that your hashtags are helping to increase the visibility and engagement оf your content. Increase the visibility and engagement of your content on TikTok.  Always use hashtags wisely, don’t overuse them, and avoid using irrelevant hashtags.


Hashtags are crucial in increasing visibility and engagement on TikTok.  The current maximum number оf hashtags allowed on TikTok is 30, with a limit on how many hashtags you can use per hour or day.  To use hashtags effectively on TikTok, research relevant and popular hashtags for your niche, use a mix of popular and less popular hashtags, create and use custom hashtags, use hashtags in the caption, video description, and comments, and monitor and update your hashtags regularly.  You can easily increase the visibility and engagement of your content on TikTok.

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