Sometimes Instagram users may find that their account has been deactivated.  This can be a frustrating and confusing experience, and many people may be unsure how long their accounts will be deactivated.  We will define what it means for an Instagram account to be deactivated, why this might happen, and how long deactivation can typically last.  In case you are a casual Instagram user or a business that relies on the platform, you can find out the process of deactivation and how to regain access to your account.

Reasons for Deactivation

There are different reasons why an Instagram account might be deactivated.   One of the most common reasons is a violation of Instagram’s terms of service.  Instagram has a set of rules that all users must follow, and if these rules are broken, the account may be deactivated.  Some examples of common violations include posting inappropriate content, buying followers, or using automated scripts.  Instagram accounts that have not been used for an extended period may be deactivated.  The exact length of time an account must be inactive before it is deactivated is not specified by Instagram.  Accounts with no activity for six months or more are at risk of deactivation. An account holder can also request the deactivation of their account. This can happen for various reasons, such as privacy concerns or a desire to take a break from social media.  Even if an account holder requests deactivation, they still must comply with Instagram’s terms of service.

How Long Can Deactivation Last?

There is temporary deactivation. This deactivation occurs when an account has violated Instagram’s terms of service, but the violation is not severe enough to warrant permanent deactivation.  The account has been temporarily suspended for some time. The length of the suspension can vary, but it typically lasts between 24 hours and 14 days.  During this time, the account holder cannot log in or access their account. Next, there is permanent deactivation.  This deactivation occurs when an account has repeatedly violated Instagram’s terms of service or when the account holder requests to permanently deactivate their account.  In this case, the account is permanently closed, and the account holder will not be able to reactivate it. Several factors can affect the length оf deactivation. For example, if an account has repeatedly violated Instagram’s terms of service, the deactivation period may be longer.  If the account holder can provide evidence that the violation was a mistake or that the account was hacked, the deactivation period may be shorter. Instagram doesn’t provide an exact time frame for deactivation, and the duration of deactivation may vary depending on the specific case. Whether it’s a temporary or permanent deactivation, it’s essential to be familiar with the terms of service and abide by them to avoid account deactivation.

How to Reinstate a Deactivated Account

A. Temporary deactivation  1. Step 1: Review Instagram’s terms of service tо ensure that your account did not violate any rules  2. Step 2: Submit an appeal to Instagram via their online form.  Be sure to include any relevant information that may help your case, such as proof that your account was hacked or that the violation was a mistake  3. Step 3: Wait for a response from Instagram. They will typically review your appeal and decide within a few days  4. Step 4: If your appeal is approved, your account will be reactivated, and you will be able to log in. If your appeal is denied, you will need to create a new account  B. Permanent deactivation  1. Step 1: Review Instagram’s terms of service tо ensure that your account did not violate any rules  2. Step 2: Submit an appeal to Instagram via their online form. Be sure to include any relevant information that may help your case, such as proof that your account was hacked or that the violation was a mistake  3. Step 3: Wait for a response from Instagram. They will typically review your appeal and decide within a few days  4. Step 4: If your appeal is approved, your account will be reactivated, and you will be able to log in. If your appeal is denied, you will need to create a new account  C. Tips for avoiding deactivation in the future 

  1. Follow Instagram’s terms of service 
  2. Be careful about third-party apps. Use only verified sources 
  3. Do not engage in buying followers or likes 
  4. Keep your account active to avoid inactivity deactivation If your Instagram account has been deactivated, it can be а disappointing occasion. It is possible to reinstate your account if you take the right steps.


Instagram deactivation can be а frustrating experience, but understanding the reasons for deactivation and the steps to reinstate your account can make the process less stressful.   A violation of Instagram’s terms оf service, inactivity, and request by the account holder are the main reasons for deactivation.  Temporary deactivation typically lasts between 24 hours and 14 days, while permanent deactivation is permanent.  To reinstate a deactivated account, account holders can submit an appeal to Instagram with any relevant information, and if approved, the account will be reactivated.  To avoid deactivation in the future, users should follow Instagram’s terms of service, be careful about third-party apps, not engage in buying followers or likes, and keep their accounts active.

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