But what do developers really bitch the most about? What programming languages really irks them the most? Tim Rogus, a UX/UI designer in New York has taken it upon himself to find out which programming languages are most cursed. To get a ringside view of the developers community, Rogus has created an app called devRant.io specifically for developers to rant about. Based on the feedback received on his App, Rogus has prepared an infographic detailing which programming language gets most cussed and which one is least bothersome to developers.

From the infographic, you can see that SQL and Mongo are most cursed languages on earth while Web languages, CSS and PHP register high rants from developers. JavaScript derivative Node registers complaints at 20% above average. A very interesting feature deduced from the infographic is that the more the popular language, the fewer complaints it generates.

Here are the top programming languages with most complaints   TechWorm - 36