Same issue is faced by iTunes Store users. The homepage opens just fine but when users try to download any song or iBook, they face trouble. Some users have noted that even photo syncing across platforms is stalling due to above reason. iMessage appears to be having problems for a number of users, though others are still able to use the messaging service without issue. Find My iPhone is inaccessible for the web and fails to login from the mobile app. iOS activations are also impacted, so iOS users trying to activate new or recently updated devices will be unable to do so. The interface is giving below mentioned error page and also seems to be blocking users’ ability to open the iCloud panel in System Preferences. This causes both the Preferences app and the iCloud Services process to stop responding. Apple customers took to Twitter to make known their anguish over the outage

— Ryan S. Taylor (@ryanstaylornet) June 2, 2015

— Jasmine Pogue (@bluberripoptart) June 2, 2015

— Serenity Caldwell (@settern) June 2, 2015

— Genady Okrain (@genadyo) June 2, 2015

— Genady Okrain (@genadyo) June 2, 2015 Apple has not yet issued any statement regarding this outage. Some users are able to log into the Apple services but that too, intermittently.